Common Cleaning Myths

Myth #1 Floors and stove tops are the most unsanitary surfaces in your kitchen!FALSE: While kitchen floors and stovetops are undoubtedly grimy, the surfaces most likely to spread food borne illnesses are your sink and sponge—which are used for everything from scrubbing raw chicken juice off cutting boards to rinsing E. coli and other germs from Romaine lettuce leaves. The problem is that most people don’t pause to properly clean and disinfect their cleaning tools and basins, essentially creating the perfect environment for your germs to thrive and multiply. Your sponge and kitchen drain stink because they’re home to a breeding, farting, germ jamboree! How do you shut down their microscopic fun? Clean, dry, and disinfect. Germs hate dry, clean surfaces as it literally starves them to death ...
Kids’ Room Cleaning

KIDS’ ROOM ORGANIZATION & CLEANING Kids cleaning – it’s not a sight all parents see every day. Here’s a simple process for cleaning a messy kid’s room. Dust surfaces, including window sills and baseboards. Clean hanging and decorative items. (Sorry, we don’t clean toys, but we have tips for this below!) Dust and wipe down all furniture and fixtures. Vacuum the floors and upholstered furniture. Make the bed with fresh linens (but be sure to ask your team about adding this to your cleaning plan). Kids’ Cleaning Tips: How to Clean Your Room If you’re a kid or teen reading this, thanks for studying the art of cleaning your room! Knowing how to clean your room the right way will save you time and leave you with a room you’re happy to spend time in. Plus, as you know, it’s easier to ...
How to Get Crayon Off Walls

While getting crayon off walls isn’t as easy as cleaning up fingerprints and dirt on your walls, but it is possible. With a little know-how and elbow grease, you can get your walls looking good as new. You love for your kids to be creative and express themselves, but sometimes their “creativity” ends up on clothes, floors, walls and just about everywhere else. That means you need to up your game of cleaning up some of the challenging messes that only kids can create. Fortunately, there are plenty of handy tips and tricks for getting glue out of carpet, paint off of upholstery and, of course, the crayon scribbling on your nice, clean walls. While we recommend using the most natural and safest cleaning products, we also know that sometimes you have to go with a heavier hitter. Not ever ...